
Episode 1: What Is The Future Of Infusionsoft?

In this first episode of The I Love Infusionsoft Show, we tackle the big question: What’s going on with Infusionsoft?  Have they lost their way?  What is the future of Infusionsoft?  In addition, we’ve interviewed some killer guests that share some awesome knowledge with you.  Normal episodes will include 1 or 2 guest interviews and be shorter than this first episode.  Enjoy!  And be sure to subscribe on YouTube and iTunes so you don’t miss future episodes.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction – Has Infusionsoft lost it’s way?
  • 2:38 – From Janitor to CEO of a $5B Company
    • Listen to this interview with Ron Dunford and learn the principles it takes to grow personally from being a janitor to taking over as CEO of the same company.
  • 12:28 – It’s Time To Help Struggling Entrepreneurs
    • At SuccessCon 2018, we set a goal to raise $25,000 to help entrepreneurs in 3rd world countries through Mentors International.  We’re only about $2,000 short of our goal.  This holiday season, dig deep and help: Donate To Mentors International
  • 17:45 – If You Can Dream It, You Can Build It 
    • In this interview with Micah Mitchell, we dive into what it takes to be successful with membership sites. Whether you have a subscription business or not, listen to Micah share his knowledge and check out Memberium: Check Out Memberium
  • 30:56 – The Hidden Leech That Is Slowly Sucking Money From Your Business Every Month
    • You may not realize it, but there’s a part of your business that is sucking money out of your profits quietly, every day.  This interview with Tony Shap will be enlightenting.  And, the good news is, there’s something you can do about it. Talk With Tony
  • 41:30 – Interview with Clate Mask, CEO of Infusionsoft
    • You’ll hear it from the horse’s mouth right here.  What’s going on with Infusionsoft?  Where are they going?  What’s the future?
  • 56:39 – Wrap Up!
    • Tyler Garns’s honest opinion on the future of Infusionsoft

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